【書報討論】3月23日(三)李大衛 助理教授 ( 銘傳大學國際學院資訊科技應用與管理學位學程)

2022-03-17 10:36:37

演講時間: 111年3月23日(三) 14:00~16:00

演講地點: 教學研究綜合大樓2樓203視聽室

演講者: 李大衛 助理教授 ( 銘傳大學 國際學院資訊科技應用與管理學位學程 ) 獲台灣內政部授予『歸化國籍高級專業人才』/ 車聯網,物聯網及AI人工智慧技術

演講主題: Overview of Internet of Vehicles Technology and Application

摘要: The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a widely used field that includes various technologies such as big data analysis and artificial intelligence. In this speech, we will introduce the core technologies and typical applications related to the Internet of Vehicles such as system architecture, automotive electronic technology, network transmission technology and use cases of the application of IoV big data analysis. In addition, we will also present the latest research topics on the Internet of Vehicles to inspire researchers' future research directions.
