
2019-05-28 17:35:15

各位畢業生好,資工系撥穗典禮將於2019年6月1日(六)舉辦, 敬邀各位畢業生與家長們蒞臨參加。 以下為當天的活動流程

Dear all graduates, the turning of the tassel ceremony will be held on June 1st. We cordially invite you and your family to attend this annual event. Here is the run-down of the ceremony.

活動流程 (run-down)

12:30 ~ 13:30 :簽到、用餐 (Sign-in and dining)

13:30 ~ 14:40 :碩、博班撥穗典禮 (Turning of the tassel for MS students, PhD students)

14:40 ~ 15:00 :中場休息 (Break)

15:00 ~ 16:00 :學士班撥穗典禮 (Turning of the tassel for Bachelor students)

16:00 ~ :自由時間 (Free time)