【書報討論】11月22日(三)葉宗彬 博士(Siemens Digital Industries Software)

2023-11-20 16:22:53

演講時間: 112年11月22日(三) 14:00~16:00

演講地點: E6-A207教室

演講者: 葉宗彬 博士(Siemens Digital Industries Software)

演講主題: The road to Industrial Metaverse

演講大網: The industrial metaverse utilizes various technologies to improve the operation of the industrial sector, and to achieve more efficient, intelligent and sustainable production. The presentation aims to explore the differences between the consumer-based metaverse and the industrial metaverse, investigate the current situation, future trends and challenges of the industrial metaverse, and discuss the opportunities and the prospects of the industry and academia in Taiwan to participate in this field.
