Peer-to-Peer Computing (同儕計算) 2008 (江振瑞)
Teacher Assistant: (黃俊傑)
Time: Thursday 14:00~16:50
Place: E6-A212
BlackBoard System: (同儕計算)
Student Report Slides:
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth examination of advanced topics in peer-to-peer (P2P) computing in which all the peers play symmetric roles as both clients and servers. The course has two parts. The first part covers traditional P2P-related topics such as P2P data sharing, P2P resource search, P2P storage, P2P multicast, P2P security, P2P reputation and incentive, P2P censorship-resistance, P2P resource trading, P2P knowledge sharing, P2P on mobile ad hoc networks, and so on. The second part covers P2P networked virtual environment (P2P NVE) related topics, such as P2P massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), latency compensation, playability, cheats, user creation, community management and 3D scene streaming for online games, etc. After learning the course, the students can become familiar with basic concepts of P2P computing.

Syllabus: Part 1 – Traditional P2P Resource Sharing Part 2 – P2P Networked Virtual Environments (NVEs)
Reference Books: Supplemental Readings:
  1. The Shadow Protocol: A More Optimized Version of Gnutella
  2. A Smart Gnutella Overlay Formation for Collaborative Virtual Environments over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
  3. Adding structure to Gnutella to improve search performance in a real-world deployment
  4. Enhancing peer-to-peer systems through redundancy
  5. Improving the Lookup Performance of Chord Network by Hashing Landmark Clusters
  6. The Effect of Replica Placement on Routing Robustness in Distributed Hash Tables
  7. Incorporating Clusters into Hybrid P2P Network
  8. MAPS: Multi-Attribute Search in P2P Networks using Schema
  9. A Low Latency Chord Routing Algorithm for DHT
  10. Scalable Blind Search and Broadcasting in Peer-to-Peer Networks
  11. Optimizing the finger table in chord-like DHTs

To be added soon.

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